Mayweather Sr. says Manny Pacquiao is ‘not going to be much of a fight’ for Floyd

Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr. is just a couple days away. The fight has been building for the last couple months (and really for the past few years), but now it’s almost upon us. As such, the rhetoric is coming fast and furious from both sides, and most particularly from one side, Team Mayweather. They recently released a Floyd Mayweather T-Shirt emblazoned with the Filipino Flag, and when Floyd Sr was asked about how he thought the fight would go, he was unsparing in his predictions:

“This fight has already been won. We can beat Manny any day, any time, any year, any moment.

“Manny’s best performance was when he got knocked out by Juan Manuel Marquez.”

He also spoke about his son’s future boxing career and whether or not he thinks Floyd Jr. Should retire:

“I think it’s best for Floyd to choose what he wants to do at the end of the year. I think he should retire, because if he sticks around, somebody is going to get you sooner or later.”

To get the most complete Mayweather vs. Pacquiao coverage possible check out the SBNation super group devoted to the fight where you’ll find all the best articles from across the network. And check out our own Connor Ruebusch’s video series breaking down the fight, right here.

Video: Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao press conference staredown

If you’re clicking this, it’s too late. Just press the button watch it, and get sucked in to the hype. Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather takes place just a few short days from now, this Saturday, May 2nd, live at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s the biggest boxing match in recent memory against the biggest boxing stars in recent history. You can’t not watch it. Or, like I said, if you’re planning on avoiding the fight, you probably wouldn’t have clicked on this link to see the two men square off during their final press conference leading up to the fights.

The ink is dry on the contracts, the hemming and hawing over venue and promotional deals is done, all we have to do is try and wait it out. While you’re waiting it out, You should definitely check out some awesome videos from our own Conor Ruebusch breaking down every iota of the fight. I’ve included one in this post, but you can find the rest here.

Hindsight – UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi in retrospect

Obviously there’s a lot more than a couple of punches thrown in a fight, but the same could be said of rounds in MMA, especially when you’re faced with a champion like Demetrious Johnson, or a tough out like Michael Bisping and Rampage Jackson. On the other side, fighters like Alexis Davis and Thomas Almeida got their openings and took them with both hands. In this game, you gotta make the best of the opportunities you get, because there’s no telling if they’ll come around again. And of course, there’s even less telling just who is going to win if the whole thing goes to a decision. All that said, I went 9-3 on fight picks. It was a good day.

Disclaimer Time: So this was a pretty great card for me in terms of fight picking, but I don’t know that I would have won a dime putting money on it, had I done so… The only bets I think I would have found worthwhile were Kaufman, Bisping, and Jackson. This was a tight card full of close fights and ugly odds. What favorites I saw the betting lines saw, or the fight was so close in my head that I never would have been able to stomach putting money on one side to win it. So, no money involved, no gambling, no stakes. I’m just using odds as a way of marking fighter development in comparison to personal expectation and eventual performance. I’m getting my odds from Odds Shark for each fight and taking the mode for each fighter. Now, on to the fights…

Aisling Daly (+220) vs. Randa Markos (-300) (I picked Markos, I was right)

  • The Expectation: This was the perfect fight for Randa Markos right now, and a far better test of her skill than Jessica Penne (although she nearly passed that test). Daly is a good, experienced opponent, but not the kind of athlete that should beat a premiere physical talent like Markos. Markos went out and proved that here.
  • Fallout for Daly: Much like Felice Herrig (and several other women on the UFC roster) Daly looks like she’s sliding toward a gatekeeper role in the division. She’s clearly a technical enough and experienced enough fighter to compete and put forth fun performances in the cage, but she’s just not the kind of athlete that’s likely to move up beyond a certain level. She’s a tough test that a lot of women will fail to pass, but the best rising fighters will probably beat her.
  • Fallout for Markos: This was the kind of fight Markos had to win to prove that she can be a future competitor in her division. Strawweight is snapping into place quickly and as it does so, there are major lines being drawn between premiere talent and everyone else. Even young fighters with top shelf athletic skills are finding a place among the divisional elite. If Markos failed here, her limited experience and technical tools would put her in a lot of danger of getting cut, especially at 0-2. Now, instead, she’s staked a claim to being a top 10 fighter in a very young division.

Valerie Letourneau (-125) vs. Jessica Rakoczy (+100) (I picked Letourneau, I was right)

  • The Expectation: Unlike the first women’s strawweight battle of the night, Letourneau vs. Rakoczy was much more about stylistic match-ups between athletic equals. Letourneau’s history as much more of known and consistent quantity in MMA gave her the edge on paper, but Rakoczy put up a strong fight, even if she wasn’t quite consistent enough to win it.
  • Fallout for Letourneau: It’s tough to say exactly where Letourneau will shake out at strawweight. She’s clearly talented enough to be there, but just what that means can only come from a step up in competition. She doesn’t have a process oriented style but her striking is reasonably sharp and her game is shored up everywhere. It’s time to throw her at a top 10 opponent.
  • Fallout for Rakoczy: This was a much much better showing than the eventual result of being 0-2 will reflect for Rakoczy. After more than a year on the sidelines, it really does look like she’s improved her overall MMA game. Her biggest problem seems to be that she doesn’t know where she wants the fight. She’s not active or diverse enough at range nor skilled enough on the ground to win easily there. If she can’t keep fights in the pocket or the clinch she’s going to struggle, but the UFC should give her another shot to show what she’s made out of.

Chris Clements (+175) vs. Nordine Taleb (-210) (I picked Clements, I was wrong)

  • The Expectation: I really thought that Chris Clements had a good shot at the upset win here. He’s generally been a fairly powerful and dynamic athlete, if not an inspiring looking one, and his better than advertised striking game has seen him past most fighters he’s faced. Taleb didn’t beat him standing up, but he did show that he was the more powerful, well rounded fighter in the cage by grinding out a decision win.
  • Fallout for Clements: I don’t know if this is so much a case of age as it is just a cap on what can reasonably be expected of his style. This was sort of proof positive that similar athletic talents can work around Clements’ style to get wins. His striking is powerful and diverse, but he overreaches a lot and isn’t a dangerous grappler. Meaning anyone willing to pick their shots standing and time their takedowns can shut him down. Still a fun fighter, but the UFC needs to stick to action fights for him.
  • Fallout for Taleb: He had to win this fight to continue being a fighter to watch in the welterweight division. Clements is a tough fighter to beat, but he’s a known quantity. If you fail to get by him, there’s really not a lot of likelihood that you’re going to see the higher tiers of the UFC. Will Taleb make any kind of serious run? Probably not, but he’s now 3-0 in the UFC and this fight keeps him rolling forward.

Olivier Aubin-Mercier (-340) vs. David Michaud (+262) (I picked OAM, I was right)

  • The Expectation: In a battle of similarly skilled fighters, natural talent has a way of deciding things. Aubin-Mercier is the more talented athlete on the rise and he should have handled a fighter like Michaud who didn’t hold any big technical advantage over him. He struggled in places, but generally got the win he was supposed to here.
  • Fallout for OAM: TUF has a way of attracting top young talent before they’re quite ready for top level competition. OAM is almost the archetype of that kind of talent. Obviously a great athlete, but really raw everywhere that’s not in the clinch and on the ground. Still, he’s a class above the other fighters at the bottom of lightweight in the UFC. He needs to work on maintaining technique over the whole fight, but he should keep developing into a really strong talent.
  • Fallout for Michaud: Michaud has a hard path ahead of him in the UFC. He’s obviously tough enough to be there (which is a really important skill) but he’s a raw talent and he’s not the best natural athlete. The inability to take over technically anywhere, puts him in a tough spot as a lot of upcoming fighters tend to have on real tight skill they bring with them to the cage. Michaud’s gonna have to improve quickly or he’ll be outside before long.

Bryan Barberena (+325) vs. Chad Laprise (-400) (I picked Laprise, I was right)

  • The Expectation: Chad Laprise is exactly the kind of single skill fighter I was talking about above that tends to populate UFC divisions. Bryan Barberena hadn’t shown a really developed skill game going into this fight, or a real marked advantage in athletic ability. It made sense to pick Laprise to be the more consistent fighter for the win. Which is more or less how it played out.
  • Fallout for Barberena: Positives and negatives for Barberena here. On the plus side, he showed (like Michaud) that he is definitely tough enough to fight in the UFC. He’s got the chin and the cardio to stay in fights for the full 15. On the downside, he also re-affirmed that he’s going to struggle against specifically skilled fighters that he can’t push around physically. Being big and tough will win him UFC bouts, but it has a ceiling and guys like Laprise are about it.
  • Fallout for Laprise: This wasn’t really a step up for Chad Laprise after beating Yosdenis Cedeno, but it is another surprising softball for the TUF champ. The UFC has tended to rush these kinds of fighters (or put them in against other TUF talent) but Laprise is getting a slow build and a real chance to develop his game. It seems to be paying off and he showed much better striking early than before. It’s a skill he’ll really need to bank on if he wants to continue rising as he doesn’t seem to have the dynamic athletic ability to take over fights when he struggles technically.

Alexis Davis (+165) vs. Sarah Kaufman (-210) (I picked Kaufman, I was wrong)

  • The Expectation: I was really shocked that the odds were as close as they were here and I’ll be the first to say that I didn’t give Davis a great chance of winning. For a while the fight played out exactly to expectations, with Davis getting beat soundly standing. But, one bad mistake later from Kaufman and the fight was over. Not sure what the UFC does with a fighter who’s now 1-2 off a win over her last opponent.
  • Fallout for Davis: I’m not sure she’s any better than she’s ever been, but she’s still dangerous and still a top tier bantamweight in a very thin division. She was getting completely handled standing up, and I was a bit surprised to hear her say that she didn’t expect that from Kaufman after the fight, but given a window of opportunity she showed some great finishing skills. In that division, that’s enough to stay near the top.
  • Fallout for Kaufman: This is a really ugly loss for Kaufman, especially since it’s one, by all appearances, that really shouldn’t have happened. Other than basic inactivity this was something of a lose lose fight for her and she got the worst end of it by giving up a submission to a fighter she’s already beat twice. It’s been years since she faced Ronda Rousey and the way Rousey is running through people a couple of wins could put her in for a rematch, now she’s further down the line and probably back to waiting for another big fight to come along.

Patrick Cote (-260) vs. Joe Riggs (+200) (I picked Cote, I was right)

  • The Expectation: It’s really surprising (to me) how competitive Joe Riggs was in this fight. I was worried this would be something of a Tito vs. Bonnar affair, where two tired, slowing fighters would battle to see who had more left in the tank. I was betting on Cote. In some respects that still ended up being true, Cote had more to offer. But it was a scrappy fight everywhere and Riggs looked a lot better than I thought he would.
  • Fallout for Cote: Cote’s UFC record is both better and worse than I’d give him credit for. Overall he’s 8-9 in the UFC, but since returning to the promotion in 2012, he’s 4-2. On the other hand, almost all of his wins are against vets late in their career, but it still shows that Cote is one of the better crafty veteran fighters the UFC has kept around. He may not beat good young fighters in their prime, but there are a lot of veteran showcase fights the UFC can put him in where he’s guaranteed to put on a decent show.
  • Fallout for Riggs: I’m not sure the UFC keeps him around at 0-2, which is a bit of hard luck, as this fight showed that Riggs does have something to offer as a wily veteran who can still make a fun showing of things. Still after 15 years in the sport, Riggs still has holes in his game and doesn’t have the physical pop he used to to cover for them. There are fun fights the UFC could put him in, but I’m not sure how many he’d win.

Thomas Almeida (-450) vs. Yves Jabouin (+325) (I picked Almeida, I was right)

  • The Expectation: This was Thomas Almeida’s opportunity to go out and do work against a veteran that would stand with him and who had a crack-able chin. That’s essentially exactly what we saw.
  • Fallout for Almeida: It looks like the showcase fight worked for getting Almeida a little respect. He’s now a ranked bantamweight just 2 fights into his UFC career. His game is still developing and especially his counter wrestling needs work (something I’m not sure Chute Boxe is prepared to improve) but he scrambles to his feet well and hits like a truck, so I expect to see him continue to do really well at bantamweight for quite a while.
  • Fallout for Jabouin: This was never a fight Jabouin was likely to win, but just how decidedly he lost does raise some questions about whether or not he’s a real gatekeeper to the top of the division or not. Jabouin has only lost to very good fighters, but Almeida rolled through him with relative ease. In a division as talent strapped as bantamweight, Jabouin can float around, but it doesn’t feel like he’s going to win a lot of really tough fights.

Shane Campbell (-110) vs. John Makdessi (-110) (I picked Campbell, I was wrong)

  • The Expectation: Stylistically, I was pretty sure this was a bad matchup for Makdessi, one that his tools were particularly ill suited to. Physically, I wasn’t so sure. I picked Campbell to win, because I haven’t seen him really put it on many people beyond a very mediocre (and similarly sized) Renee Forte. Campbell had the frame of exactly the fighters Makdessi has had trouble with. Turns out there was a huge athletic disparity there, and that Makdessi is sharpening his tools. Great win for him.
  • Fallout for Campbell: Obviously, this was short notice, so it’s hard to take too much from this performance… except I kind of feel you have to. Campbell looked like he was fighting his fight out there for much of the first round. He was keeping Makdessi at range with kicks, clinching up and doing damage when Makdessi got inside, but before long the inside game disappeared as Makdessi just started tossing Campbell on his ass every time they clinched up. Does that physical disparity(against one of the smaller lightweights) disappear with a better training camp? Maybe, but I don’t think so.
  • Fallout for Makdessi: He really needed this win badly. Even against a short notice newcomer. Makdessi has spent a lot of time on the sidelines over the past year, in which he suffered an ugly loss to the totally unheralded Alan Patrick. The big thing for him was to get a win, not a meaningful win, not a career defining win, just a win. Hopefully now he can make a quick turnaround for a bigger fight.

Quinton Jackson (-170) vs. Fabio Maldonado (+150) (I picked Jackson, I was right)

  • The Expectation: Fabio Maldonado is just not the kind of fighter Rampage Jackson loses to, or has ever lost to (well, except maybe Forrest Griffin, who knows what was going on there). But generally, fighters have either had to out wrestle him or be able to match his one punch power and/or carry a more diverse striking arsenal. Fabio Maldonado was not and is not that dude.
  • Fallout for Jackson: He’s still Rampage, more or less. An older, slightly less consistent Rampage (he probably would have put Maldonado away 7 years ago). But, his boxing has gotten better than it ever was, he’s actually started to integrate some semblance of a kicking game, and his sprawl and brawl style still works in a division full of guys willing to slug it out standing. I doubt he ever wins consistently enough or big enough to get to the top 5, but if he can stay in the UFC, he’ll compete there.
  • Fallout for Maldonado: Unfortunately, and more than any of his other losses, this feels like the point of truth on Fabio Maldonado. Even when he gets exactly the fight he wants, there’s a whole class of athlete and fighter that he’s just not going to compete with at all. Rampage gave Maldonado everything he wanted, including jabbing range and tons of time clinched up against the fence, and Maldonado got nothing done. He’s a fun fighter, but the gate to his talent seems to shut outside the top 10.

Michael Bisping (-160) vs. C.B. Dollaway (+125) (I picked Bisping, I was right)

  • The Expectation: I couldn’t bring myself to trust CB Dollaway’s striking against Bisping. That he’d be able to land the power shots consistently to put the longtime Middleweight gatekeeper to the top 5 away. Dollaway’s striking actually looked reasonably okay, early, but he faded as the fight went on and Bisping’s notable endurance and continued skill development really shined through.
  • Fallout for Bisping: He’s not making that title run he was talking about. Let’s get that out of the way right now. There’s a reason Bisping is on the borderline of the top 10 and not the borderline of the top 5 anymore. And it’s because there are just too many fighters he can’t handle ahead of him. Still, there are a lot of fighters he can handle, and it’s not like an over abundance of confidence is going to hurt his job. I look forward to seeing him keep taking on the rising talent out there and maybe a few veteran faces too.
  • Fallout for Dollaway: Coupled with his loss to Lyoto Machida, it’s now abundantly clear that Dollaway was never destined to be a consistent top 10 fighter. He had his moment in the sun, where taking 4 out of 5 (and arguably 5 out of 5) fights led him to the big name match-ups that could earn him a seat at the contenders table, and he’s failed to get over that final hurdle. It’s clear that he’s improved a hell of a lot over his career. He actually has some good punching power now, but it’s just not enough to win the really big fights.

Demetrious Johnson (-800) vs. Kyoji Horiguchi (+475) (I picked Johnson, I was right)

  • The Expectation: This fight looked a lot more like I thought it would than I thought it would… if that makes sense. My hope was that Kyoji Horiguchi would look good early, maybe even take a round, before getting submitted late. I’m not sure he took a round, but Horiguchi did look pretty solid early in the fight and that submission came really really late. Solid title defense for the champ and good experience for a guy that could contend for quite a while.
  • Fallout for Johnson: He’s still champion. Maybe not a champion the people love, but a dominant one with an impressive and deep technical repertoire. If there’s any criticism to be leveled at him, and I’m not sure there is, it’s that he seems to be so plugged into his coach that he maybe doesn’t go for enough aggressive finishes until they’re specifically called for. He said himself that his coach asked for that late armbar, so he took it. It wasn’t his first time in that position all fight, so it says something that it maybe took his coach seeing the submission before he himself would go for it.
  • Fallout for Horiguchi: Considering the jump in competition, he did fine. In cage time, Horiguchi isn’t quite as young as he’s made out to be, and I like that he got this shot now, but he still has four or five more years in this sport to be a top fighter and I think taking a really hard fought loss like this can only serve him well. Horiguchi competed with the best flyweight in the world, now he has the time to go back, train and see if he can figure out how to beat Mighty Mouse.

Those are my collected thoughts from UFC 186. So much of what I wrote seems obvious now, but as always, that’s the benefit of hindsight. Stay tuned for the next edition when I’ll be talking all about the biggest win of Stipe Miocic’s career… maybe. Until then!

*This week’s quote taken from the movie Day of Anger.

Video: Local reporters on the scene for Jon Jones court appearance

Jon Jones declined to enter a plea in his first court appearance, on Tuesday, April 28th. The UFC light heavyweight champion was granted the freedom to travel outside the county following his posting of a $2,500 cash bond, with no future court date yet decided upon. According to reports, a district attorney has 60 days to review the case before handing their case over to a grand jury to deliver an indictment. All of this is, of course, stemming from his apparent involvement in a hit and run accident over the weekend of the 26th, in which an SUV, reportedly driven by Jones, was said to have run a red light, causing a three car crash and sending a pregnant woman to the hospital with a broken arm. Jones was reportedly seen fleeing the scene on foot.

All of which has resulted in felony charges for the current UFC champion. As you can see in the video, Jones declined to speak to reporters about the incident, however, one member of his legal team went on the record telling KOB 4 (h/t MMAFighting): “What’s next is the criminal complaint and this is something that’s going to play out. And as far as I’m concerned, from this standpoint, Mr. Jones gets to go live his life.”

Should the UFC strip Jon Jones? The Bloody Elbow Roundtable discusses

No matter how this whole thing washes out, it looks like Jon Jones is in a lot of trouble. Even if he gets cleared of any charges, there are going to be a lot of fans, pundits, and even fighters, that are going to feel like he deserves some sort of punishment. Following the issue of a felony arrest warrant for Jones’ involvement in a hit and run accident, which left one woman with a broken arm, Jones turned himself over to the Albuquerque Police Department.

    Kid Nate and Dallas Winston give their take on the Jon Jones mess and what the UFC should do about it.

He’s already out on bail and set to go to court for the next leg of the legal process today, after which we should get a better sense of the time frame over which Jones will be facing the charges against him. Still, that doesn’t mean that the court of public opinion isn’t open for business. Chuck Mindenhall over at MMAFighting weighed in with his opinion, that the UFC needs to send a public message, that they won’t stand behind Jones’s behavior and that they should strip him of the title. It’s a strong position to take this early in the game, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility. Where does the Bloody Elbow staff stand?

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Jon Jones arranging to turn himself in following arrest warrant

In case you’ve been living under a rock, some rubble, and at the ends of the earth for the past 24 hours, Jon Jones appears to be in trouble. The UFC’s light heavyweight champion was reportedly involved in a hit and run accident, in which witnesses say he ran a red light, before fleeing the scene on foot. A pregnant woman, also involved in the crash suffered a broken arm, potentially raising Jones’ involvement to felony status.

What started out with the police looking to question Jones about his involvement quickly became a search for his whereabouts and has now turned into an arrest warrant, which you can view here.

According to MMAFighting, who reported the release of the warrant, arrangements are also in place for Jones to turn himself over to the custody of the Albuquerque Police Department sometime in the near future. So, it would appear that the manhunt phase of the drama has come to a close.


No word yet as to how this latest development will affect Jones’ planned title fight at UFC 187 next month, although the UFC has said that they are “in the process of gathering facts.” Stay tuned for more news and updates as they become available.

Welcome to the UFC, Bilyal Makhov

The MMA talent scouting landscape shifted ever so slightly today, in ways that the UFC have generally been less than interested in accepting. While most of the world’s major MMA organizations end up taking on raw/unproven talent to be the first name behind the next big prospect, these are waters the UFC has, itself, only toe-dipped into. Most notably pro-wrestling superstars have been the fighters to make the quickest leap to the UFC, with Brock Lesnar getting his call up with just one pro bout under his belt, and CM Punk (somewhat notoriously) being signed without any pro fights at all. Similarly, former cruiserweight boxing champion James Toney ended up in the UFC for a single showcase fight against Randy Couture, but with few other exceptions (including Cain Velasquez), that’s most of the big name talent the UFC has really pursued.

It’s the last of those fighters, Cain Velasquez, that bears the most resemblance to this news, as K-Dojo Warrior Tribe reported on Twitter that Olympic bronze medalist and three time freestyle world championship wrestler Bilyal Makhov has signed with the UFC. Makhov has yet to take an MMA bout, but here’s a quick look at the man:

Who is Bilyal Makhov?

Standing at 6′ 5″ and weighing in at about 285 lbs, it’s not hard to get a picture of just why the UFC would jump on Bilyal Makhov’s MMA dreams the moment he decided to pursue a career in the cage. The 27 year old from the North Caucasus region of Kabardino-Balkaria, is still in the midst of his Olympic wrestling career, with plans to compete at the 2016 games (as reported by MMAJunkie) in both freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. While he has a long history in freestyle competition winning multiple national and world titles, he started competing in Greco Roman back in 2014 and won the Bronze at the world championships that year, taking home the gold in Russian national Greco Roman championships in 2015. Makhov credits his wrestling success to his training under Magomed Guseinov and Khankala Gadzhimagomedov.

He’s apparently been training with MMA fighters for some time, working with Andrei Arlovski, among others to improve their wrestling games. His MMA coach, Murat Keshtov told MMA Junkie earlier this month that Makhov could win the UFC heavyweight title with just six months of training. He’ll almost certainly be getting more than that, but it looks like the UFC is generally taking him up on the challenge.

Normally, I’d talk about what you should expect and all that about now, but honestly I have no idea. I’d say expect good things as he’s obviously a monster of a man and a gifted natural athlete, but where all of that leads him in MMA, I’m not sure.

The fighter reactions to UFC 186: Johnson vs. Horiguchi on Twitter

For those few that watched it, UFC 186 was a pretty good show all the way through. The evening opened with a pair of action packed strawweight bouts and really kept at a pretty good clip even through Riggs vs. Cote and Laprise vs. Barberena. There were some fun submissions from Olivier Aubin-Mercier and Alexis Davis, big KO’s from Thomas Almeida and John Makdessi to kick off the main card, and a surprisingly back and forth battle between Michael Bisping and C.B. Dollaway. All of which was capped off by the latest submission in UFC history from Demetrious Johnson in the main event.

So, what did the UFC fighters watching around the world think of the action? Check it out:



























































































































































































































































The MMA Prospectus: UFC 186, Fox 15, TUF performers, & more

Last week was a wild one for prospect development in MMA. We saw a bunch of young stars take their first big swing at the tops of their divisions and most of them succeeded. Aljamain Sterling put a hurting on Takeya Mizugaki, Beneil Dariush smothered Jim Miller, and Paige VanZant showed Felice Herrig the door. Unfortunately young LHW talent continued to struggle as still developing Patrick Cummins and Corey Anderson both hit hard walls. This week, we’re looking forward to Thomas Almeida and Kyoji Horiguchi and hoping to see some more big flashes of potential from Olivier Aubin-Mercier.

We’re also talking recent TUF performances from Kamaru Usman and Nikolas Motta, as well as ACB 15 which saw Rahman Dzanaev, Abdurahman Temirov and many more of our scouted Russian fighters show up and put on a show. So, check the whole show out, and if you can’t watch it on Ooyala, it’s also available on YouTube. While you’re there, give the show a “Like” and remember to subscribe to MMANATIONDOTCOM for more BE interviews and analysis.

Gegard Mousasi taking John Makdessi and Fear the Fighter to court

Things are going from bad to worse for MMA apparel brand Fear the Fighter. For quite some time now the company, which lists UFC 186 fighter John Makdessi as President, has been dealing with backlash from their sponsored fighters. Early in 2014, race car driver and MMA fighter Erick Apple took to the Underground to voice his complaints with their lack of payment for his work. And in October of last year, Akira Corassani took to Twitter to say that he’d gone unpaid in his last two bouts sponsored by Fear the Fighter.

More on Mousasi vs Makdessi

Over time, Tim Elliott, John Dodson, Georgi Karakhanyan, and Gegard Mousasi have all lodged public complaints. It’s that last guy, Mousasi, that it looks like FtF really needs to be worried about. As his manager, Nima Safapour, told MMAJunkie on Friday that Mousasi’s team has officially filed a lawsuit against the apparel company for failing to stick by their contract.

“Gegard Mousasi has filed a lawsuit against John Makdessi and Fear The Fighter Apparel,” Safapour wrote in a statement issued to MMAjunkie. “The facts speak for themselves.

“Per the public corporate records filed in Canada, John Makdessi is the president of Fear The Fighter Apparel. An unpaid debt is owed and outstanding to Mr. Mousasi (along with a number of other fighters). Despite making countless promises that payment would be forthcoming, Fear The Fighter has yet to pay the debt that they owe. They missed every deadline and used every excuse under the sun as to why they could not send a wire transfer or mail a check. They even threatened to take legal action against the athletes they owe money to if they were to publicly speak out about the monies that are owed.”

According to reports, Mousasi may be owed as much as $25,000 by the apparel company. No small amount, especially if it reflects anything close to the money Fear the FIghter may owe other athletes that have gone public about their issues with payment.

John Makdessi is set to compete at UFC 186, this Saturday, April 25th against Shane Campbell. Win or lose, it looks like he’s going to have a lot more to deal with in the coming months than just his fights in the cage.